Tuesday 11 January 2011

Working Together

Wellies, coats, hats and scarves were the order of the day yesterday when Sean came back into school and we spent some time around our school grounds working together, just like we plan to once the Island Project is complete!

We began our day by talking about the latest developments and the changes to plan so far. As it is a working document, the plan has changed to suit our needs and we've moved on from the 'wiggly path' idea and are now looking at a straight path with some 45 degree angles in! The teachers have been talking about the many different possibilities for art, maths and fun writing projects if we were to use concrete flags to create the path.

It was after that discussion that we all went out as a class and walked around the grounds following the path that will eventually be around the edge of our grass. We walked through Tree Island and around to where we plan to make a 'snail mound'. This will be a small hill formed into a snail shell shape which we can walk around and climb up!

At the end of the path which will come from the centre of tree island, we are planning to have a performance area made from India stone surrounded by logs where children can sit to watch. It will be great! We held hands and imagined what it would like like from the sketches Sean drew. 

The main aim of this project is to create a learning space which will help us to communicate, problem solve and work together as a team. We tried to solve a few problems which was very interesting..it proved that we do need this space to help us out!

Sean asked us to create a human version of the snail mound which took quite a while! Some people had great ideas of how to make it but although we were good at shouting our ideas out - it proved we need to learn how to listen to each other a little better! Molly Livesey thought we could line up in height order and walk around in a spiral until we coiled into a snail's shell shape. We set about following her instructions...although it took a while as we were all arguing over who was tallest!

After playtime we were given a mixed up sentence to rearrange. Stood on benches in the hall, we had to get ourselves into the right order without falling off! This was tricky and we had to really think, talk and support each other whilst moving across the apparatus. Whilst figuring out how best to solve our problem, we learnt that the person with the loudest voice isn't always the one with the best ideas.

Problem Solved :)

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