Saturday 5 February 2011

Hideout Heaven!

Wow! This is one of the logs from our 'log pile' which the council dropped off last Friday after Sean spotted them chopping away near our school! These logs will look great dotted about our grounds once the landscaping is complete.

On Wednesday we all spent the day with Mrs Edwards and Sean, exploring the tree areas around school to find a good place build our den. We found some great spaces, like in the centre of tree island or along the edge of the wall near the school field.

We searched high and low for natural building materials in the wooded areas and took them back to class.
Once back in class we fixed our materials together along with some wood, cardboard and fabrics that Sean had brought in too. We worked in our own groups before Mrs Edwards split us up to work with some different people. We created some amazing dens and learnt that the best ones were made with a mix of boys and girls in a group!

We talked about how we couldn't have made these hideouts by ourselves and that working together brought about new ideas and interesting creations we wouldn't have thought about on our own.  


One group spent some time with Sean building an outdoor den! It had an upstairs, a hide-hole, steps up to the top and a letter box! We used the drill and saw and worked as a team to make our tree house on the infant playground! Our next step is to think about building a larger den for the rest of the school to use in our grounds. How exciting!!


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