Wednesday 16 February 2011

Left, Right, Left, Right!

We've been skiing...on a pair we made ourselves! Using long planks of decking, a long, thick red strap, a staple gun and a hammer and nails...we set to work!

It was important that we created a pair of ski's so 7 children at a time could get on and work together to travel the length of the playground. We used a ruler and marked the wood every 12 inches (we decided this is how long our feet plus a little bit of extra room would take up). Caitlyn and Aimee cut the red strap into equal lengths whilst Alfie marked the wood to show where they would be attached. Sophie held the straps whilst we used the staple gun to secure them before Micheal and Jay hammered in some nails. They were such good fun to make - even though it started raining, we hardly noticed!

We had a go at walking on the ski's one at a was pretty easy until another person joined in! The more people on the ski's, the harder it became to walk without falling over!

We found the best way to walk was to hold on to each other like a train, and listen to the person at the front shouting which foot to move first. Working as a team was so important because, "if one person doesn't move, it lets everybody else down." 

As you can see from the pictures - we had a lot of fun playing with the ski's and learnt a lot about teamwork. Working together really does get the job done Mitchell and Abigail's team found out!!

Watch our video and you will see just how difficult we found this task at first!

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